R&N Xplorer Africa safaris- A guide to chimpanzee safaris, hiking and tracking tours, wildlife safaris and  experiences, hotels, lodges, car hire in Kenya's Sweet Waters Game Reserve, Rhino and Chimpanzee sanctuary and Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

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Sweet Waters  Game Reserve Chimpanzee Rhino Sanctuary & Ol Pejeta Conservancy


The Ol pejeta conservancy occupies the plains between the foothills of the Aberdares and the magnificent snowcapped Mount Kenya. The Conservancy comprises extensive savannah grasslands and the riverine forests that border the Ewaso Nyiro River. A visit to Ol Pejeta is ideal for nature, cultural fun and leisure lovers.  Those who wants to enjoy the adventures of the African bush (big 5) within the confines of the modern comforts.


The Ol Pejeta Conservancy occupies an area of 90,000 acre.  To many people Ol Pejeta Conservancy is synonymous with SweetWaters game reserve.  The Sweet Waters game reserve and Chimpanzee Sanctuary is an inner area of 24, 000 Acres which existed by that name before the extension of 2004.


The Ol Pejeata Conservancy combines stunning views across the open plains and unforgettable wildlife safari experience.

Animal life:

Ol Pejeta Conservancy boasts an astounding array of wild animals approximately. The ranch has over 55 species of mammals and 500 species of birds recorded. 


Mammals in the Ol Pejeat include the big 5 (the endangered black rhino, leopard, elephant, buffalo and lion) and about 40 chimpanzees.  In addition to these one is likely to spot the following,- Aardvark (Antbear),Aaardwolf, African Civet, African Wild Cat, Baboons, Beisa Oryx, Black-Back Jackal, Bohor Reedbuck, Burchell‛S Zebra, Bush Squirrel, Bushbuck, Cape Clawless Otter,Cape Hare, Caracal Cat, Chandlers Reedbuck, Cheetah, Common Jackal, Crested Porcupine, Crocodile, Defassa Waterbuck, Dwarf Mongoose, Eland, Elephant Shrew, Genet Cat, Grants Gazelle, Greater Kudu, Grimm‛S Duiker, Hippopotamus, Impala, Jacksons Hartebeest, Leopard, Lesser Bushbaby, Patas Monkey, Ratel (Or Honey Badger), Reticulated Giraffe, Serval Cat, Side-Striped Jakal, Slender Mongoose, Spotted Hyena, Steinbok, Striped Hyena,  Suni, Thomson‛S Gazelle, Tree Hyrax, Tropical African, Hedgehog, Vervet Monkey, Warthog, White-Tailed Mongoose, Zorilla (Or Striped Polecat)

Over 500 species of birds have been recorded including the ostritch.

The Sweet Waters Game Reserve and Rhino Sanctuary

The 24,000 Acres SweetWaters Game Sanctuary is currently part of the Ol Pejeta conservancy.  Formerly called Ol Pejeta Ranch it was a cattle ranch for breeding of beef cattle. One of the attractions of SweetWaters is the history behind. The ranch was founded by Lord Delamere.  The ownership of the ranch has changed hands severally since 1949 when John Kenyon took over the management.  Next in line was  John Kenyon’s old school-friend Marcus Wickham Boynton, notorious for occasionally shooting cattle “he didn’t like the look of”.   Other owners included Christina Onassis' father-in-law, Roussel, and in due the Saudi Millionaire  Adnan Khashoggi, who used the ranch house as his private getaway.


In 1988, the former owners Lonhro Africa took over the management of  the ranch.  In 1989 they set it up Sweetwaters Game Reserve as a sanctuary for the endangered black rhino and other wildlife populations (including the “Big Five”). Between 1989 and 1993, twenty-two black rhinos were introduced into Sweetwaters from other sanctuaries. Today, with the birth of 29 calves the population has steadily increased, making SweetWaters a successful breeding ground of these ancient animals.  However excess animals are trans-located and the population stands at 40 animals, the carrying capacity of the sanctuary.


In 2004 the ranch was purchased by Fauna and Flora International, and expanded into a 90,000 Acres “Ol Pejeta Conservancy”. This will create the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa, with the aim of generating profit from wildlife tourism and complementary activities (including cattle) for reinvestment into community development in the local area.

Sweetwaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary: 

Within the SweetWaters game reserve is A 200-acre Chimpanzee sanctuary.  It is 15-minute drive from Sweetwaters Tented Camp. A visit to this sanctuary and the 30-minute boat ride (subject to fine weather) on the river among the chimps is a must. The SweetWaters Chimpanzee Sanctuary was a brain child of Lonrho East Africa, Kenya Wildlife Services and the Jane Goodall Institute.  It is a not a zoo but a sanctuary for the orphaned and abused chimpanzees, where they are rehabilitated and taught to fend for themselves in an area similar to their natural living conditions. The sanctuary currently is a home to some 40 chimpanzees. Did you know that they have 98.6% of our genes? 

Morani's Boma:

Morani (warrior in Maasai) was the name given to the tame black rhino, rescued as a baby after he was found wandering near his mother who had been killed by poachers in Amboseli National Park. Morani’s Boma is  100-acre enclosure, protected 24-hours by armed guards which he occupies.  Being tame, a photography while holding him is a thrilling experience especially to those aware of the temperament of these beasts. Also with Morani is Carol, the tame Warthog.

Multi-cultural Manyatta:

A visit to Ol Pejeta conservancy would be in-complete without visiting the multi-cultural Manyatta.  Situated just outside the Serat Gate of the Sweetwaters Game Reserve. Here clients have a chance to visit Kenya's tribesmen in replicas of their traditional homesteads and sample their culture.   The Maasai, Pokot, Turkana, Samburu men and women invite you into their homes and sell their traditional wares, show off their ritual dances and introduce you to their lifestyle. 


Accommodation:  At the Ol Pejeta you have the choice of two different styles of accommodation, Sweetwaters tented camp or the Ol Pejeta House.


  • Sweetwaters tented camp is a sheltered oasis, situated around the waterhole.  It offers  fine quality in the pristine calm of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. The Camp’s main building was built in 1970’s.

  • Ol Pejeta house offers large luxurious rooms, a stunning garden with watering hole, and two swimming pools.  Ol Pejeta House, in the Sweetwaters Game Reserve, still retains the tradition of Kenya's famous farmhouse hospitality. Accommodation is provided in six suites with 2 deluxe suites. The main suite overlooks a private swimming pool, while the main swimming pool is located in the grounds next to the tennis courts. 

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Maasai Mara Safaris
1.  Nairobi/Mt.Kenya/Samburu /Sweet Waters/Lake Nakuru/Maasai Mara 9 days
2.  Nairobi/Maasai Mara/Ambsoeli/Arusha/Lake Manyara/Serengeti/Ngorongoro 11 days
3.  Nairobi/Naivasha/Mara 4 days
Rwanda Gorilla Safaris
1. Gorillas in the mist- 4 days/ 3 nights gorilla safari in Rwanda
2. Great primates expedition -8 days/ 7 nights gorilla and chimpanzee safari in Rwanda
3. Discover Rwanda safari 10 days/9 nights

GORILLA SAFARIS RWANDA, MAXSONS SHOPPING CENTER,TOM MBOYA STREET MERUS TEL.  +254 723 684 974,Email us: info@gorillasafarisrwanda.com or ntiro2001@yahoo.com